Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Spring Break... What's that?

You know you are getting older when Spring Break is when you clean your house. When you live in FL you go up North that's not right. Or if you are poor you have to suffer and go to the beach.

I remember living in IN and always wishing I could go to FL for Spring Break. Well it really isn't what it is cracked up to be. Spring Break is a lot of traffic, people that don't know where they are going AND they don't know how to drive. Wait that is almost every day in living in the Orlando area.

When you live in FL you here people say I don't want to go to Disneyworld one more time... oh you poor babies.

You always complain about the things you don't have.... never satisfied. Always looking for the wrong things to make you happy and whole.

Well that's all for now from my little tiny corner of the world.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Oh my.... I am not a writer

Well life has been very busy. I haven't had much time for blogging. In 7 years we will have a empty nest that is very weird to think about. Time is just flying by.

Is anyone out there...

Saturday, January 01, 2005


Is it really January?

Well... living in the Midwest for 36.5 years of my life put me in only one mindset (well maybe a few). First-36.5 years is a long time, second-thought I would never move because everyone was there, third-I was satisfied with life and finally, January is cold. Now my thoughts have been altered slightly. Why you ask? It is in the seventies here and yes, you have guessed it... sometimes I have to say to myself "It is January." My body is in the South but my brain is still stuck in the Midwest.

Went for a motorcycle ride yesterday. That was really nice.

I went back to the Midwest for a early Christmas to visit family and friends. It was great seeing everyone, but I didn't miss the lake effect snow, ice and driving on a highway at only 30mph and praying that a semi doesn't slam into you. I just wish I could move everyone down here.
As soon as we got in our car to drive home from the airport we opened the windows, FREEDOM. You can open the windows and not freeze.

We don't have a lot of friends down here. That will take awhile.

Someone told me when I first moved here, "You lose your identity". I didn't fully understand that at first. Now I do. I was numb for about the first 3 months. I felt like I was on vacation and I missed my flight. Now it feels like home now. It especially felt this way when I came back from the Midwest. Don't misunderstand me, I miss my family and friends but I finally feel established. We went through a lot of stuff this past year. I am praying that 2005 will be peaceful, challenging, fun and right where God wants me.

Well that is all for now...


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